Policy For Total Dental Revision  What we do

This office accepts referrals from Physicians and Health Care Providers for removal of Mercury Amalgam fillings and replacement with biocompatible materials and Total Dental RevisionTM (TDR).
We subscribe to a strict protocol for amalgam removal and Total Dental RevisionTM (TDR) that we have found successful since 1986. Our goal is to treat the whole person through the use of safe, natural and painless methods. Our innovative approach to dental care focuses on the health and wellness of the mouth in relation to the whole body, including identifying and treating issues pertaining to allergies and autoimmune disorders.

This protocol includes the following: 

1. Diagnostic blood, urine and sometimes hair chemistries prescribed by Nutrition Diagnostics. This may include a blood compatibility test or other testing for dental materials by Nutrition Diagnostics.

2. A nutritional supplement programme and eating plan based on these chemistries. This is necessary in order to support you during the removal process and to aid you in eliminating stored mercury and other toxins and the recovery phase towards optimal health;

Metering of the electrical charges of the restorations that are present and sequential removal of these restorations according to their electrical charge; Oral Galvanism is thoroughly discussed and the significance.

4. Replacement of amalgam with biocompatible materials as determined by various screening techniques by Nutrition Diagnostics staff;

5. Numerous specific precautions undertaken while amalgam is being removed, in order to minimise mercury exposure to you and staff as much as possible -the air extraction technique.

6. Continued monitoring of blood, urine, and sometimes hair chemistries after amalgam removal and Total Dental RevisionTM (TDR), under the supervision of Nutrition Diagnostics, resident Nutritional Consultant.       

You have only one opportunity to have your amalgam fillings removed correctly and safely. We believe that it is in your best interest to use this entire protocol because this gives you the best chance for a positive result without compromising your health.

We further believe that it is not in your best interest to follow less than the entire protocol.

We therefore cannot oblige a patient who wants their basic evaluation and nutrition done in this office and their treatment performed by another dentist.

We do not want to lend credence to any patient's belief that he or she is following this protocol when this is not the case. Nor do we want to contribute to less than optimum result.

In addition,: We are committed to working with the patient's Medical Dr so as to maximise the patient's chance at getting well and medically ruling out and treating medical emergencies. If a patient chooses to ignore the physician's recommendations, we will be unable to comply with that patient's request for treatment, as that would place this office in an untenable position.

Our centre functions as a "specialist" centre when dealing with patients who are undergoing Total Dental Revision.
Eric Davis Dental offers Total Dental Revision in conjunction with Nutrition Diagnostics our health arm of our centres. We have found after 4 decades that there is a right way of doing things that creates a measurable outcome.

We do not co-consult with other practitioners as it leads to confusion and very poor outcomes.

We obviously do not interfere with your medical management and encourage you to be fully medically evaluated and advised.


We reserve the right not to treat anyone unwilling to follow a proper preparatory and ongoing programme with Nutrition Diagnostics.  We would prefer you seek treatment elsewhere than have the responsibility of Knowing.