First Appointment
You have already received your information pack, studied the content, organised your Xray, become informed. You have reviewed aspects of our
The first appointment is a "one on one" intake appointment with a senior patient coordinator. When you first attend the centre you
will be asked to fill in a medical form, medical questionnaire and some consent forms
Together, we will establish your expectations, needs and requirements. We would need to understand your perception, expectation, level of
commitment and also hindrance to commitment. Eric Davis Dental does not want to be, one of the litany of practitioners you may have
previously consulted.
You will then be able to tour the centre so that you gain an understanding of the structured patient flow from one element of the centre to
the next, and have all your questions answered.
Your personal and family medical histories provide us with a vital diagnostic source for both current ailments and potential problems.
The Programme looks at the fundamental defects, the sub clinical conditions that underlie periodontal disease and all other oral health
problems, as well as every chronic degenerative disease and every uncontrolled infection.
By working with the Programme you not only experience the joy of restoring the health to your gums and teeth but the joy of knowing that in
the process you have reduced your risk to all the major diseases that commonly plague people.
When you are in the surgery, your dentist will review your full medical history, do a complete oral evaluation and charting, as well
as pulp vitality testing and electro galvanic readings. Any TMJ or myofascial /orthodontic disturbances evaluated. Your OPG will also be
reviewed and any areas of concern will be discussed with you in detail. Further X-rays maybe required.
A detailed dental examination is performed to identify sources of toxic reactions. Not only mercury - amalgam fillings but also infected
root canals, abscessed teeth and improperly healed extractions (called cavitations) which may affect your health and must be carefully
examined. At this appointment Dr Davis and a senior patient coordinator will explain the dental treatment plan and costing. You'll be able
to ask questions and once you are completely happy, we will ask you to sign a copy of the plan and consent forms for our records and yours.
WE want you to be fully informed and upfront with every step of this important decision.
After, referral to Nutrition Diagnostics for the appropriate health coaching programme is organised. All designed to map out the most sophisticated Health programme available.